Malayalam font.

Click here to download this font.
  1. The malayalam font used in the pages is AnjaliOldLipi (Unicode). Click on right image to download this font.
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  3. Install this font in your system.
  4. Set this font as the default font for Malayalam language in your browser.

Font resize.

  • Increase font size: Please press Ctrl key and + key simultaneously or press A+ button on the top right of the page.
  • Normalize font size: Please press Ctrl key and 0 key simultaneously or press A- button on the top right of the page.
  • Decrease font size: Please press Ctrl key and - key simultaneously or press A+ button on the top right of the page.

Navigation to top of the page.

  • Clicking on this image will navigate to the top of the page.

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Total No. of Visitors to this page : 5893. Total No. of Visitors to this site : 3011963.

This page last modified on: 16/11/2023 11:58:35.

Language/Font problem?